Irrigation Design


Complete Irrigation Solutions uses the latest CAD software to design all types of irrigation systems. This means that systems can be designed to use water most efficiently and effectively for the customer.

Our designs ensure that the optimum amount of water is used by measuring with precision all of the parameters and requirements for each irrigation system individually. Our project managers then have a clear knowledge of what pumps, tanks, sprinkler, pipes and fittings will be needed for the job.

Once it comes to installation, our installers have a precise design to work to which means they have a clear understanding of the project which saves time and labour costs.  

Complete Irrigation Solutions is able to design the largest and most complex irrigation system to the smallest and simplest DIY system.

To find out more about irrigation design call us now on (03) 9799 4444 or click here to make an email enquiry.


Call Now on  (03) 9799 4444